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Experienced International Child Abduction Lawyers

Our team of solicitors is available for in-person consultations, as well as telephone and video appointments. Schedule a meeting today.
- Call us on 0131 226 5151
Frequently Asked Questions
The term 'child abduction' refers to a situation where one parent removes their child from their home country without the consent of the other parent, or order of the court, or where they retain the child in another country beyond the end of an agreed stay there e.g. for a holiday.
Along with many other countries, the UK is a signatory to the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. This is an international legal instrument that requires countries that are signatories to apply a consistent set of principles and work collaboratively to ensure the swift return of children who are abducted from their home country of habitual residence.
If you have any concerns that a child could be taken outwith the UK without your permission, it is important to seek urgent legal advice.
Our experienced solicitors will be able to advise on the steps which may be taken in these circumstances, including raising court proceedings to prevent the other parent from removing the child from UK.
Drummond Miller regularly act for parents who find themselves dealing with issues in this area. We are also regularly appointed by the Scottish Government to represent parents whose children have been brought to Scotland without their consent.
The laws surrounding international child abduction are complex and issues can develop quickly unless immediate action is taken. The steps to take will depend on where the child has been taken to and your relationship with the child. Any delay in acting on your concerns could impact the success of an application made through the Hague Convention, so it is essential to seek advice as soon as an issue arises.

Get the best legal advice
We are able to provide detailed and compassionate advice on the laws surrounding international child abduction and how they may apply to your individual circumstances.
Our team of family lawyers regularly act for parents whose children have been removed from this country, parents whose children have been brought to Scotland and for parents who have removed children to Scotland prior to seeking the required consent. If you would like to speak to an experienced family lawyer, please contact our Family Law Team today